Thursday, February 23, 2012

I'm On My Way

It’s about 1.30 LA time.  I’ve been up for over 13 hours now, going from airport to airport.  Now I wait until 10.20 until my longest flight takes off.  To be honest, I’m freaking out. I have no idea what to expect or what I’m doing and all I can think is, “Becky, what are you doing?  Turn around, turn around!!!”  But I know that is not what I’m supposed to do.  I am scared though.  I don’t know where I’m living, what the people I’m living with are like, what school will be like…  Why would I choose to go for four months away from my family… half way across the world!! 

I wonder why I feel this way because I know this is what I’ve been looking forward to for months now.  I should be out of my seat excited, but I want to break down. 

So I turn to the psalms. 

God is my refuge, He is my guide and wherever I am, I know I’m in His arms and at home. 

Easy to say, but right now it’s hard to convince myself of. 

As the hours pass though, God has been increasing my sense of peace and excitement for what is to come. This is part of His plan for me right now, and it’s such an amazing opportunity!  So faithfully and mercifully, God has been changing my heart to one of gratitude and adventurous excitement… I’m about to be in Australia!

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