Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dun Dun Dun...

I forgot to mention a minor little detail about our Adventure here Down Under…  During orientation there was a middle-aged man who was hanging around with us, he said he was a first year master’s student.  We all were talking to him and kind of humoring him.  We all were planning to go to the beach with people from Wesley and he wanted to join so we said sure!  Anyway, he came to the beach with us, hung around with us all day and even “taught” us how to surf(you might remember the name Carl from an earlier blog, yeah him).  He went out to pizza with a group of girls the other night.  A few days later, after he’d been around campus and talking with and exchanging numbers with everyone he could, we get an emergency email and text saying that he is NOT a Wesley student and he’s been posing as members of certain churches too trying to get women’s numbers.  He’s banned from campus and if he approaches or talks to any of us then we need to contact staff immediately.  CREEPYY!!!   I knew that guy gave me the creeps…

P.s.  I won bingo today at the elderly home!!!  

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